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**Worldwide Seismic Activity Update in the Past 24 Hours** Based on data from VolcanoDiscovery, there have been several earthquake events recorded globally in the past 24 hours: * **1 quake** of magnitude 6.8 * **11 quakes** between magnitude 5.0 and 6.0 * **47 quakes** between magnitude 4.0 and 4.9 These earthquakes are distributed across different regions worldwide, with a focus on active seismic zones and areas near active volcanoes. VolcanoDiscovery, a leading online resource for earthquake information, provides detailed updates on earthquake activity in real-time. The most recent quakes, including their magnitudes and locations, can be found on their website. It is important to note that moderate to large earthquakes can cause significant damage and potential casualties, and it is crucial to stay informed about seismic activity in your local area. For accurate and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refer to reputable sources such as the national geological survey or disaster management agencies.
