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Materials And Tools

How to Draw the Eiffel Tower

materials and tools

Drawing Paper

Use thicker drawing paper or board for a more durable artwork. Thinner paper may wrinkle or tear easily, especially when using wet media like watercolor or ink.

Drawing Pen or Pencil

Start with a pencil for sketching and outlining your drawing. You can use a pen for more precise lines and details. Choose the type of pen or pencil based on your preferred drawing style.


A ruler is helpful for drawing straight lines and measuring proportions. It ensures accuracy and precision in your drawing.


An eraser is essential for correcting mistakes and removing unnecessary lines. Choose an eraser that effectively removes marks without damaging the paper.

Step-by-Step Drawing Instructions

Step 1: Draw the Base

Start by drawing a rectangle for the base of the Eiffel Tower. Make sure it is wide enough to support the structure.

Step 2: Add the Legs

Draw four lines extending upward from the corners of the rectangle. These will form the legs of the tower.

Step 3: Draw the First Platform

Draw a square or rectangle on top of the legs. This will be the first platform of the Eiffel Tower.

Step 4: Add the Second and Third Platforms

Draw two smaller squares or rectangles on top of the first platform, one for the second platform and one for the third platform.

Step 5: Draw the Top

Draw a triangle on top of the third platform. This will form the top of the Eiffel Tower.

Step 6: Add Details

Add details to your drawing, such as the latticework on the legs and the antenna on top. You can also draw people or other objects around the tower for a more dynamic scene.


Congratulations on completing your Eiffel Tower drawing! Take pride in your artwork and remember that practice makes perfect. With each drawing, you will improve your skills and create more impressive works of art.
